Saturday, June 11, 2011

An oldie but a goodie

I must retell an oldie but a goodie story of an encounter I had about 6 months ago at my local Kroger grocery store.  I was pushing around my son, when this older woman came up to me and very nicely commented on how cute Christoper was.  I politely said thank you, and continued on my way.  The woman continued to walk besides me, which I thought was odd, and proceeded to ask me if "I was going to be teaching my son Chinese."  I stopped dead in my tracks and answered, "well, considering I am not Chinese, probably not."  At that point I believed this woman would have felt terribly mortified and chosen to walk away.  But no!  She then asked, "well, then what are you?"  Hmm.  I stated (as advised by my husband) "I am American."  And she squinted her eyes, and with a smile, "oh dear, I know that, but I mean what ARE YOU?"  Ok, so I wasn't going to shake this lady off easily.  I then curtly replied, "I'm Korean".  And to end in perfect form, she left me with "Oh, well isn't that nice."  Yes, I certainly do think it is more then nice.

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